How to Fix iPad Pro Battery Draining During Video Playback

The iPad Pro is one of the most powerful tablet available right now that provides exceptional performance for intensive applications including video editing and graphics-intensive gaming. However, some users have reported issues with rapid battery drain when playing videos on their iPad Pro. There are a few potential causes and solutions for this battery drain problem.

Stop Your iPad Pro Battery from Draining So Fast While Watching Videos

Stop Your iPad Pro Battery from Draining So Fast While Watching Videos

Rapid battery depletion while watching videos on your iPad Pro can be very annoying, particularly if you rely on your tablet for enjoying movies and shows while traveling or commuting. The good news is that with some tweaking and troubleshooting, you can improve your iPad Pro’s battery life during video playback. In this article, we’ll explore the main causes of battery drain when playing videos on the iPad Pro and suggest some fixes to extend the battery life.

Causes of Battery Drain During Video Playback

Here are some of the most common culprits behind iPad Pro battery drain issues when playing videos:

Brightness Level

Brightness Level

Having your screen brightness set high will put a lot of strain on your battery. The brighter the screen, the more battery power it consumes. Try lowering the brightness level to around 50% or enable auto-brightness so the iPad can optimize it based on ambient lighting conditions.

Processor-Intensive Video Format

The iPad Pro may have to work extra hard to play back videos that are 4K, high-frame rate or encoded in processor heavy formats like HEVC. This can rapidly deplete battery reserves. Try playing videos encoded in easier to process formats like 1080p H.264 if possible.

Faulty Apps

Faulty Apps

Some buggy or poorly optimized video player apps may excessively drain your iPad’s battery. Apps like YouTube, Netflix, Prime Video are generally well optimized. But other less mainstream apps may have issues. Try playing the video in Apple’s default player app or downloading a more optimized third party app.

Background Apps and Services

Background Apps and Services

Apps running in the background along with system services like Siri, Background App Refresh and Location Services contribute to battery drain. Disable or restrict background apps and switch off unneeded services like Bluetooth, GPS etc.

Low Power Mode Not Enabled

Low Power Mode Not Enabled

The iPad Pro’s built-in Low Power Mode throttles performance and limits background activity to extend battery life. Make sure it is enabled when you want to maximize video playback time. Go to Settings > Battery > Low Power Mode.

iPad Overheating

If your iPad Pro feels warm when playing videos, overheating could be the culprit. Overheating can accelerate chemical reactions in the battery and cause faster drain. Make sure the iPad is not in direct sunlight and give it breaks between long video playback sessions.

Aging Battery

All batteries degrade naturally over their lifespan, holding less charge as they age. If your iPad Pro’s battery life during video playback has deteriorated significantly compared to when it was new, the battery has likely aged, necessitating a replacement.

Troubleshooting iPad Pro Battery Drain During Video Playback

If you notice your iPad Pro’s battery drains quickly when playing videos, try these troubleshooting techniques to identify and resolve the problem:

  • Restart your iPad Pro to clear out any memory leaks or glitches impacting battery life.
  • Update iOS and Apps to eliminate bugs that may be reducing battery efficiency.
  • Reset all settings back to default to undo any problematic customizations.
  • Check battery health in Settings > Battery > Battery Health and see if the “Maximum Capacity” has reduced. Replace battery if capacity below 80%.
  • Try different video player apps like Infuse Pro, VLC or MX Player and see if problem persists.
  • If you experience severe battery drainage when using cellular data, remove and reinsert the SIM card to refresh the cellular connection and potentially fix any network issues causing fast battery drain.
  • Turn off Background App Refresh, Siri Suggestions, Siri & Search and reduce Fetch intervals.
  • Disable GPS, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi when not needed and enable Auto-Brightness to optimize power usage.
  • Close all apps when not in use.
  • As a last resort, backup iPad data and reset to factory settings. Test if issue persists.

Final Thoughts

Rapid battery drainage when playing videos on the iPad Pro can be annoying but is rarely due to a hardware defect. In most cases, it is caused by software issues, heavy usage patterns or an aging battery. With some diligent troubleshooting and tweaking of settings, you should be able to extend the iPad Pro’s battery life during video playback considerably. Limit screen brightness, close background apps, disable unneeded features, use optimized video apps and replace the battery if capacity has reduced. With a few sensible precautions, you can enjoy watching videos on your iPad Pro without constantly worrying about the battery.

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